Joint Mathematics Colloquium



Winter-Spring 2004

Date Place Speaker Title
January 22 Northeastern
509 Lake
Alexander A. Voronov
University of Minnesota and Northeastern
String topology
February 5 MIT
Room 2-190
Adam Koranyi
City University of New York
Quasiconformal maps in several complex variables
February 12 Brandeis
317 Goldsmith
Michael Harris
Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu
Survey of p-adic representation theory of p-adic groups
February 19 Northeastern
509 Lake
Dimitri Yafaev
Université de Rennes 1
Scattering theory and scattering matrix
March 11 MIT
Room 2-190
Ivan Cherednik
University of North Carolina
Double affine Hecke algebras
March 18 Brandeis
317 Goldsmith
Yair Minsky
Yale University
Surfaces in hyperbolic 3-manifolds
March 25 Northeastern
509 Lake
Ragnar Buchweitz
University of Toronto
Hochschild cohomology and Koszul algebras
April 8 Harvard
Science Center D
Franc Forstneric
University of Ljubljana
Holomorphic flexibility of complex manifolds
April 15 Northeastern
509 Lake
Paolo Salvatore
Università Tor Vergata
Homotopy non-invariance of configuration spaces
April 22 Brandeis
317 Goldsmith
Irena Peeva
Cornell University
Hilbert schemes
April 29 MIT
Room 2-190
Feng Xu
University of California, Riverside
Operator algebras and conformal field theories
May 6 Harvard
Science Center D
Leon Ehrenpreis
Temple University
Sharpening the EDGE of the wedge theorem
May 13 MIT
Room 2-190
Maciej Zworski
University of California, Berkeley
Quantum resonances of chaotic systems
May 20 Harvard
Science Center D
Claude LeBrun
Stony Brook University
On the curvature of 4-Manifolds
The Colloquium is held on Thursday afternoons.
Tea is from 4:00 to 4:30.  Talks are from 4:30 to 5:30.

Colloquium organizers

Brandeis University Ruth Charney
Harvard University Laurent Berger
Andreea Nicoara
MIT Jason Starr  
András Vasy
Northeastern University Maxim Braverman

Colloquium archive

Winter-Spring 1998 Fall 1998 Winter-Spring 1999 Fall 1999
Winter-Spring 2000 Fall 2000 Winter-Spring 2001 Fall 2001
Winter-Spring 2002 Fall 2002 Winter-Spring 2003 Fall 2003

Web page:  Alex Suciu Started: Jan 8, 1998
Comments to: Last modified : May 11, 2004
 Since 10/2/1999
URL: /colloquium_wsp04.html