Joint Mathematics Colloquium



Winter-Spring 2002

Date Place Speaker Title
February 7 MIT
Room 2-190
Richard Hamilton
Columbia University
Geometric estimates for the logarithmic porous median equation
February 14 Brandeis
317 Goldsmith
Gregg Zuckerman
Yale University
Harmonic algebra
February 21 Harvard
Science Center D
Loïc Merel
University of Paris 7
Class number formulas
February 28 Northeastern
509 Lake
Andrei Suslin
Northwestern University
Bloch-Kato conjecture and degree formulas
March 7 MIT
Room 2-190
Greg Lawler
Cornell University and
Duke University
Conformally invariant measures
March 14 Harvard
Science Center D
Bill Meeks
U. Mass. Amherst
The classical theory of minimal surfaces: a study of the classical examples and their uniqueness
March 28 Northeastern
509 Lake
Serguey Novikov
University of Maryland and
Landau Institute, Moscow
Discretization and integrability
April 4 MIT
Room 2-190
Gunther Uhlmann
University of Washington
Inside-out: Inverse boundary problems
April 11 Harvard
Science Center D
Gopal Prasad
University of Michigan
Towards classification of admissible representations of reductive p-adic groups via their restriction to compact-open subgroups
April 18 Brandeis
317 Goldsmith
John Wermer
Brown University
The argument principle and boundaries of analytic varieties
April 25 Harvard
Science Center D
Kenneth Ribet
UC Berkeley
The geometry of a Langlands correspondence
May 2 Brandeis
317 Goldsmith
Frans Oort
Utrecht University and MIT
The fundamental group of an algebraic curve
May 9 MIT
Room 2-190
Eric Friedlander
Northwestern University
Algebraic K-theory and algebraic cycles
May 16 Northeastern
509 Lake
Alexandru Dimca
Université Bordeaux I
Alexander invariants and monodromy of polynomial functions
The Colloquium is held on Thursday afternoons.
Tea is from 4:00 to 4:30.  Talks are from 4:30 to 5:30.

Colloquium organizers

Brandeis University Fred Diamond
Harvard University William Stein
Stephen DeBacker
MIT András Vasy
Northeastern University Maxim Braverman

Colloquium archive

Winter-Spring 1998 Fall 1998 Winter-Spring 1999 Fall 1999
Winter-Spring 2000 Fall 2000 Winter-Spring 2001 Fall 2001

Current Colloquium

Site Meter Web page: Alex Suciu Started: Jan 8, 1998
Comments to: Last modified: April 29, 2002