Joint Mathematics Colloquium



Winter-Spring, 2000

Date Place Speaker Title
February 3  Brandeis 
317 Goldsmith
Dmitry Kleinbock
Rutgers University
Chaotic phenomena in homogeneous dynamics and applications to number theory
February 10  Northeastern 
509 Lake
Eric M. Friedlander
Northwestern University
K-theories and cohomology theories
February 17  MIT 
Room 2-190
Igor Krichever
Columbia University
The tau-function of conformal maps
February 24  Harvard 
Science Center D
Andrew Casson
Yale University
Bigelow's proof that braid groups are linear
March 2  Northeastern 
509 Lake
Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz
University of Toronto
Semiregularity and deformations
March 9  Brandeis 
317 Goldsmith
Alexander Varchenko
University of North Carolina
The dynamical quantum groups
March 16  MIT 
Room 2-190
Tom Ilmanen
The Riemannian Penrose inequality
March 23  Harvard 
Science Center D
Alexander Polishchuk
Boston University
Geometric approach to indefinite theta series
March 30  MIT 
Room 2-190
Carel Faber
Oklahoma State
Hodge integrals and tautological classes on the moduli space of curves
April 6  Brandeis 
317 Goldsmith
Jinho Baik
Princeton University and IAS
Partition statistics, random growth and random matrix
April 13  Harvard 
Science Center D
April 20  MIT 
Room 2-190
Steve Zelditch
Johns Hopkins University
From random polynomials to symplectic geometry
April 27  Northeastern 
509 Lake
Daniel Rockmore
Dartmouth College
Generalized fast Fourier transforms - applications and algorithms
May 4  Harvard 
Science Center D
The Colloquium is held on Thursday afternoons.
Tea is from 4:00 to 4:30.  Talks are from 4:30 to 5:30.

Colloquium organizers

Brandeis University Pierre Van Moerbeke
Harvard University Eric Sommers
MIT Hubert Bray 
Andras Szenes
Northeastern University Andrei Zelevinsky

Colloquium archive

Winter-Spring 1998  |   Fall 1998  |   Winter-Spring 1999  |   Fall 1999

Current Colloquium

Web page: Alexandru I. Suciu Started: Jan 8, 1998.  Last modified: September 3, 2000
Comments to: URL: /colloquium_wsp00.html