Joint Mathematics Colloquium



Winter-Spring 1999
Date Place Speaker Title
February 4 Northeastern
509 Lake
Neil J. A. Sloane
AT&T Shannon Labs 
The sphere-packing problem 
February 11 Brandeis
317 Goldsmith
Julius Shaneson
University of Pennsylvania 
Euler-MacLaurin expansions in higher dimensions 
February 18 MIT
Room 2-190
Dan Burghelea
Ohio State University 
February 25 Harvard
Science Center, Hall D
Benson Farb
University of Chicago 
The asymptotic geometry of groups 
March 4 Northeastern
509 Lake
Georgia Benkart
University of Wisconsin 
Down-up algebras 
March 11 MIT
Room 2-190
Niky Kamran
McGill University 
Some geometric aspects of the inverse problem of the calculus of variations 
March 18 Harvard
Science Center, Hall D
Philip A. Griffiths
Complex geometry and K2(C) 
March 25 Brandeis
317 Goldsmith
Jonathan Weitsman
U.C. Santa Cruz 
Equivariant Morse theory, old and new 
April 8 Harvard
Science Center, Hall D
Oleg Viro
Uppsala University 
Self-linkings and self-intersections of real algebraic varieties 
April 15 MIT
Room 2-190
Cristopher Denninger
Univ. of Münster and Harvard 
Arithmetic and dynamical cohomologies 
April 22 Northeastern
509 Lake
Steve Gersten
University of Utah 
Hyperbolic groups; or, is geometric group theory part of homological algebra? 
April 29 Brandeis
317 Goldsmith
Guennadi Kasparov
University of Marseilles 
Operator algebras associated with geometric objects 
May 6 Harvard
Science Center, Hall D
Bill Fulton
University of Michigan 
Eigenvalues, invariant factors, highest weights, and Schubert calculus 
May 13 MIT
Room 2-190
Friedrich Hirzebruch
Max Planck Institute 
The signature and the Atiyah-Bott-Singer fixed point theorem 

The Colloquium is held on Thursday afternoons. 
Tea is from 4:00 to 4:30.  Talks are from 4:30 to 5:30.

Colloquium organizers

Brandeis University Jerry Levine
Harvard University Tom Graber
Grigory Mikhalkin
MIT Andras Szenes
Northeastern University Andrei Zelevinsky
Alex Suciu

Colloquium archive

Winter-Spring 1998  |   Fall 1998
Home Web page:  Alexandru I. Suciu  Started: January 8, 1998.  Last modified: September 2, 1999
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