Date |
Place |
Speaker |
Title |
September 15 |
Northeastern 509 Lake Hall |
Gil Kalai
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
and Yale University
Harmonic analysis of Boolean functions
September 22 |
MIT Room 2-190 |
Ron Fintushel
Michigan State University
Small 4-manifolds
September 29 |
Brandeis 317 Goldsmith |
Soren Galatius
Stanford University
Stable homology of automorphism groups of free groups
October 6 |
Northeastern 102 West Village G (NOTE UNUSUAL PLACE) |
Efim Zelmanov
University of California, San Diego
Profinite groups
October 13 |
MIT Room 2-190 |
Terence Tao
University of California, Los Angeles
Uncertainty principles, high-dimensional geometry, and sparse recovery
October 20 |
Harvard Science Center D |
John Conway
Princeton University
15- and 290- Theorems
October 27 |
Brandeis 317 Goldsmith |
Ralf Schiffler
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Quiver representations: basic facts and some recent developments
November 3 |
Northeastern 509 Lake Hall |
Mark Andrea de Cataldo
SUNY, Stony Brook
The Hodge theory of algebraic maps
November 10 |
Harvard Science Center D |
Edward Bierstone
University of Toronto
Functoriality in resolution of singularities
November 17 |
MIT Room 2-190 |
Stephen DeBacker
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Harmonic analysis on reductive p-adic groups
December 1 |
Harvard Science Center D |
Edward Witten
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
Gauge Theory and the Geometric Langlands Program
December 8 |
Brandeis 317 Goldsmith |
Alexander Gorodnik
California Institute of Technology
Unipotent flows, discrete groups and equidistribution
December 15 |
Harvard Science Center D |
Paul Seidel
University of Chicago
The topology of Lagrangian submanifolds