Joint Mathematics Colloquium



Fall, 2000

Date Place Speaker Title
September 14 Brandeis
317 Goldsmith
Henri Darmon
McGill University 
Elliptic curves and Hilbert's 12th problem 
September 21 MIT
Room 2-190
Kai Köhler
University of Bonn 
Ray-Singer analytic torsion and fixed point formulas in arithmetic geometry 
September 28 Harvard
Science Center D
Dieter Kotschick
University of München 
Mapping class groups of surfaces and four-dimensional topology 
October 5 Brandeis
317 Goldsmith
James Propp
University of Wisconsin 
The variational formalism for random tilings 
October 12 Northeastern
509 Lake
Robert V. Moody
University of Alberta 
The mathematics of quasicrystals and diffraction 
October 19 MIT
Room 2-190
Don Zagier
Max Planck Institute, Bonn 
On the conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer 
October 26 Harvard
Science Center D
November 2 MIT
Room 2-190
Harvey Friedman
Ohio State University 
Does normal mathematics need new axioms? 
November 9 Brandeis
317 Goldsmith
Alexei Rudakov
Norwegian University of Science and Technology 
Remarkable complexes of representations of "super enlarged SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1)" 
November 16 Northeastern
509 Lake
Yulij S. Ilyashenko
Cornell University 
A centennial history of Hilbert's 16th problem (second part) 
November 30 Harvard
Science Center D
Alexander Beilinson
University of Chicago 
The determinant of de Rham cohomology of a curve 
December 7 MIT
Room 2-190
Dusa McDuff
SUNY Stony Brook, visiting Harvard 
The topology of groups of symplectomorphisms 
December 14 Harvard
Science Center D
Joel Smoller
University of Michigan 
Interaction of Dirac particles with non-abelian gauge fields and gravity: Bound state and black hole solutions 
The Colloquium is held on Thursday afternoons.
Tea is from 4:00 to 4:30.  Talks are from 4:30 to 5:30.

Colloquium organizers

Brandeis University Fred Diamond
Harvard University Kim Froyshov
Yang Liu
MIT Hubert Bray 
Andras Szenes
Northeastern University Maxim Braverman

Colloquium archive

Winter-Spring 1998  |   Fall 1998  |   Winter-Spring 1999  |   Fall 1999   |   Winter-Spring 2000

Current Colloquium

  Web page: Alexandru I. Suciu Started: Jan 8, 1998
Comments to: Last modified: January 31, 2001
URL: colloquium_f00.html